Tuesday, June 19, 2007

OpinionJournal - Featured Article

OpinionJournal - Featured Article

Here's an article that disagrees with me. But here's my quick critique.

First, I am not suggesting simple partition. I am suggesting that we threaten to partition the current boundaries of Iraq among three neighbors. None of these neighbors are known for tolerating dissent within their borders.

Second, the goal should be to bring all Iraqi groups to the bargaining table. The Iraqis do not see themselves as Iraqis first but as Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites. My suggestion is to use the threat of partition to have them understand the situation rationally. Currently, each group has mutually exclusive goals. The Kurds just want to be left alone with their oil wealth. The Sunnis want to re-assert the dominance that they have had in the country for centuries. The Shiites with their numerical superiority see a chance to dominate the whole country. Each of these groups need to realize that they will not reach their goals through force.

Third, the whole point is to turn over the job of keeping the peace to the local nations who do not have the same qualms about using force that we do. I realize that to simply withdraw U.S. troops will leave a vacuum that will be filled by someone. My suggestion is that if the Iraqis will not work together then we should leave behind an Iranian, Saudi, Turkish force that will keep the peace.

1 comment:

Loving Life said...

It appears no one leaves comments on this blog (chickens, I say.. :)
Really I just wanted to let you know that I blog too, so if you'd like to connect to it, just email me at bizyboyz@hotmail.com and I'll add you to my permissions list.
Interesting thoughts on what you'd do with Iraq the issues at hand. I have a few ideas but I'll save those for another time.
Tell Kristie I said 'hello'- and glad to hear you'll be heading back here for a few months!
~debi for the criss's~